Balamuda.lk was registered as a sole proprietorship on March 25, 2016, and we have been bringing the balamuda.lk web page for 5 years. The company is set to be privatized in 2021 and bring you a fresh look with a young board of directors. Following in the footsteps of MLM-Multi-Level Marketing, the world's fastest-growing cash-for-service platform, we bring the balamuda.lk website to you. Balamuda.lk is a website created for the small and medium business community. No matter how many small and medium- sized businesses exist during this Covid epidemic, it is still difficult to find buyers for them online. The Balamudu.lk website allows small and medium-sized business suppliers to provide goods and services to buyers without intermediaries, and buyers to receive goods and services without intermediaries. balamuda.lk our mission is to support Sri Lankan businesses and bring foreign exchange into Sri Lanka.